Living Faithfully in Such a Time as This

As I was doing normal motherhood tasks the other day in the safety of my home, knowing that families on the other side of the globe were facing a much different reality, I was met with the reminder that God has chosen me to live in this moment of history. I reflected upon the Old Testament story of Esther and the commonly quoted words, “for such a time as this.”

Esther was a Jew and orphan who was raised by her cousin Mordecai, and by God’s providence, she became the queen of Persia and played an essential role in saving her people. Haman, one of King Xereus’s chief advisors, plotted to wipe out the Jewish people, but his plot backfired when Mordecai got word of his plans and Esther dared to do what could have ended her life.

God powerfully used Esther in that moment of time, and while we may not be in the same position of power and royalty, He has intentionally placed us where He wants us “for such a time as this.”

Will we partner with God and live out His purpose for our lives?

Will we believe we have something valuable to offer for the good of His Kingdom?

Will we respond obediently in faith when He lays something on our heart?

Many of the world events in recent years, like what’s happening in the Middle East, have been wake-up calls for me that have tugged on my heart and drawn me to my knees in prayer asking, “Lord, what can I do?”

Here’s a few places He’s drawn me:

Be a student of the Bible.

If we want to know God and His will for our lives, we need to know His Word. That’s why I prioritize reading and studying the Bible verse-by-verse, usually in the morning over warm coffee when my boys are still asleep or just getting up. Yes, I have days where I get off track and motherhood demands more hands than I have, but the time I spend in Bible study is fruitful beyond words. It’s also helped me better teach my kids the Bible, and motherhood is a large of part of the work He’s called me to in this season.

Be constant in prayer.

We are daily in a battle and our prayers make a difference. This is something we can do day and night, no matter where we are. I think that if we could see the spiritual realm and just how much of an impact our prayers make, perhaps we would pray even more.

When I heard the news of what’s happening in Israel earlier this month, like many of you, my heart was broken and still is. I wanted to share one way I’ve been praying in case it might inspire you.

FIRM is a Christian organization working directly in Israel and they started a campaign called, Pray By Name For Israel. It’s a way to pray for the hostages taken by Hamas, and is inspired by Isaiah 49:16 which says, “…I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands…” The idea is to pick a name, write it on the palm of your hand, and pray for that person daily. It’s a meaningful way we can intercede for those who are walking through suffering. Please consider clicking HERE to read more and find a list of names you can pray for as you feel led.

Be intentional with your time.

Our days here on earth are numbered by God, and recent years have pushed me to be more intentional with my time. One reason I don’t write here as regularly these days is because my hands are full raising my boys and homeschooling them. Motherhood requires me to manage my time wisely, and I want to make the most of the time I have with my growing sons.

God has also given me a passion for other things like writing and calligraphy, which I try to make space for as I can.

Whatever season we’re season in, we can pray from wisdom about how to be intentional with our time, knowing God has a purpose for each minute.

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:58

As moms, wives, and women of God we have opportunities every day to live faithfully for Him. Will you join me in praying and seeking God for wisdom as we choose to live faithfully in such a time as this?


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