Why the Little Things in Motherhood Matter

Some mornings my alarm clock is a toddler singing for mama cuddles. Other mornings I get to shower and enjoy a few sacred moments of quiet before my mama duties begin. Either way, my days are spent doing little tasks to care for my family and home.

I feed bellies that get hungry again, scrub dishes that get dirty again, sweep floors that get sprinkled with crumbs again, wash clothes that need washing again, offer kisses and cuddles that are generously given again…

A mother’s work is never really finished.

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” ~ Deutoronmy 6:6-7, ESV

The little things in motherhood matter because they weave together and make a big impact in the life of a child. Though cleaning sticky hands ten times a day and investing a few moments into reading a child a book might seem like minor tasks, every act of caring for a child is seen by God. The little things done in love help nurture and prepare children for the bigger things God has in store for them later on.

When I gaze in the beautiful eyes of my two miracle sons, I wonder who they will become. I wonder what special plans God has in store for them. I wonder how they will make an impact for the Kingdom.

My deepest desire for them is that they come to know how deeply loved they are by the God who fearfully and wonderfully stitched them together in my womb {Psalm 139:14}. And my deepest prayer is that they would choose to unashamedly follow Jesus despite a culture that follows so many empty things.

If these are the things that matter most, than the seemingly little motherhood tasks that feel mundane or go unnoticed by others, actually have great significance.

Every hug offers reassurance. Every meal made offers nourishment. Every prayer said and Bible story read nurtures faith and builds character. Every piece of clothing washed offers warmth and protection. Every walk outdoors to play and explore points to a Marvelous Maker. Every encouraging word offers affirmation. Every extension of grace tells of His amazing grace.

Not only do the little things we do as moms shape and prepare the littlest of these—they teach and mold us too. They cultivate in us servanthood, patience, faith, and humility. They awaken us to an even deeper need for Jesus in every moment, knowing that He supplies strength and grace and mercy for each new day. The work we’re doing now as mothers is a part of how God’s preparing both us and our children for the bigger things ahead.

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” ~ Luke 16:10, NLT

So in the weary moments when I’m up three times at night with a teething baby, I will savor those sweet cuddles believing that my presence matters more than I know. And when I’m frustrated that I just can’t seem to keep up with growing laundry piles, I’ll take it one garment at a time, knowing these little acts of service matter to the One who matters most.


  1. Beautiful reflections, Hannah, and so true! It can be so hard to not feel like all we do is for naught, like all is invisible. What comfort in knowing God sees, and that He does have a plan and a purpose.

  2. It’s amazing that the small, daily interactions that happen before the child can even remember anything are the basis for the development of their brain. I love the science of the Harvard Center for the Developing Child, including the fact that 1 million neural connections are formed every second in a baby! (See more on how basic interaction builds the brain’s structures: https://developingchild.harvard.edu/science/key-concepts/serve-and-return/)

    You’re right that these times of serving sacrificially, out of the spotlight, are vital to our character growth as well! Keep up the good work!

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