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Easy Kool-Aid Playdough

5 ingredient, no-cook playdough comes together in minutes!
Prep Time10 minutes
Yield: 1 batch
Author: Hannah Bollinger


  • 1 3/4 cups Flour
  • 1/4 cup Salt
  • 1 packet Kool-Aid
  • 2 tablespoons Canola or Coconut Oil
  • 1 cup Boiling Water


  • In a large bowl mix together the 1 3/4 cups flour, 1/4 cup salt, and 1 Kool-Aid packet.
  • Add 1 cup of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of oil of choice. Stir until it starts to come together.
  • Knead playdough on a floured surface for about 3-5 minutes. The playdough will pick up the flour from the counter, but you can also add an additional 1-2 tablespoons of flour if it's too sticky. You can also add a little more oil if it's too dry. It comes together more as it cools and should form into a soft ball.
  • Store in a ziplock bag or airtight container.


Some Kool-Aid flavors will turn out rich in color while others will be less vibrant. You can always add an extra packet for a richer color.