Hi, I’m Hannah
Romans 12:12 says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” While this verse wasn’t written specifically for moms, what a fitting verse for motherhood. Struggles will come that require us to patiently endure and prayer is essential in raising children. But what does it mean to rejoice in hope as a mom?
While I’m guilty of sometimes putting my hope in fading things, it’s the hope I have in Christ that has survived even the darkest storms. He is our Hope because of what He has done for us in the past, how He is with us in the present, and the glorious wonder of what He is preparing for us in the future.
When we keep our gaze on Him, we can rejoice in hope even when we’re sleep deprived from being up with a sick child or we’re weary from all the overflowing responsibilities. We can also rejoice knowing the repetitive tasks of motherhood have purpose and don’t go unnoticed by Him. Whether it’s preparing a meal or creating a peaceful atmosphere in the home, when we serve our families we serve Jesus.
Rejoicing may not always appear as an outward smile, but may look like an inward peace that comes from knowing Jesus is with us and working all things together for good—ultimately preparing a beautiful future for all who place their hope in Him.
My prayer for this spot is that you would be nourished with truth that points you to the hope found in Christ, and that you would be inspired to live as a woman who rejoices in this beautiful HOPE. You’ll find a variety of motherhood encouragement, biblical truth, homeschooling tips, homemaking inspiration, and more.
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